Saturday, July 26, 2008

Missing McCain Bumper Stickers

I live in Los Angeles so you can imagine the large number of cars one sees every day that are sporting Obama bumper stickers and the total absence of McCain signs, bumper stickers included. It is my theory that the primary reason for this situation is not that McCain is so unpopular but that his supporters feel that their car will be keyed by Obamaiacs for daring to advertise their support for McCain. This is no small financial matter for the car owner because the cost of repainting one's car will be at the owners' expense because the repainting cost will be less than the deductible of most car insurance policies. Since I lack empirical evidence to support my key theory I made the decision this morning to sacrifice my car and treasure by applying a McCain bumper sticker to my beloved gas guzzler here in one of the the geographical bellys of the leftist beast. Hardly a profile in courage I know, but such are the painful experiments we must conduct in the name of scintific research. It will be interesting to see if my car is indeed keyed in the coming weeks and months. I will of course report back on by findings even though I sincerly hope my theory is proved to be in error.

But, at the very least, seeing one McCain sticker might encourage others to show their support for their choice for President without fear of having their car vandalized. A pretty fundamental right, one would think. No?